Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem By Heuristic of Mineral Drinking Water Factory In Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic

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ประทุมพร แก้วประเสริฐ
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ศักดิ์ กองสุวรรณ
ดร. เชษฐ์ภณัฏ ลีลาศรีสิริ


This research presents Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem By Heuristic of Mineral Drinking Water Factory In Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic the purposes of this research are as follows: 1) To study condition And the problem of Vehicle Routing Problem of Mineral Drinking Water Factory In Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic. 2) To find solutions Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem By Heuristic of Mineral Drinking Water Factory In Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic The population in research comprise: manager, foreman, chauffeur, employees A total of 24 people and Customers of Mineral Drinking Water Factory of 35 people All 59 people This whole study population. Tools used in research comprise: Nearest Neighbor Heuristic, Focus Group and Content Analysis

This resulting of research can conclude as: these conditions and problems of Vehicle routing problem by Heuristic of Mineral Drinking Water Factory in Luangprabang province Lao People’s Democratic Republic have found that: 1) The planning of routes has not yet determined the amount of the customer needs. 2) The planning of routes has not yet determined the products according to the customer needs in min level/ max level/ or average level. 3) The planning of routes has not yet determined the arrangement the customers into the scheduled of route products. 4) The planning of routes has increased the demands during delivery routes. 5) The planning of routes has not yet determined the date and time to route the products obviously. 6) The planning of routes doesn’t select the customers from the distances that are near the storehouse. 7) The planning of routes doesn’t transform the customer demands into the weight of products. 8) The planning of routes doesn’t use the tools or technology efficiency in the planning of routes. 9) The planning of routes must contain the weight of products on the law and contain to be full the products. 10) The planning of routes is very difficult, because the physical transport route has not yet been developed. From the planning of route by nearest neighbor has the distance nearest to route the products as 115.92 Kilometer, we can arrange 6 routes, to decrease of 10 routes and can decrease distance as 70.89 percent.


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How to Cite
แก้วประเสริฐ ป., กองสุวรรณ ร. ด. ศ., & ลีลาศรีสิริ ด. เ. (2016). Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem By Heuristic of Mineral Drinking Water Factory In Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(2), 12–22. retrieved from
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