Study of Flow Pattern and Temperature Distribution of Air Inside Cultivable Greenhouse

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องอาจ วิเศษสุข


The objective of this research is to calculate flow pattern and temperature distribution inside different greenhouse geometries comprising of box, curve, triangle, different curve, and different triangle greenhouses. Three categories of vent design (width = 0.5m) are installed at roof, side, and both roof and side of the greenhouse. The rang of heat flux from the floor considered in this research is between 30-100 W/m2 .Velocity and temperature inside the greenhouse are calculate by computational fluid dynamics technique in two dimensionally. The simulation results show that mean temperature and ventilation rate are depended on the heat flux. A vent on both roof and side performs the maximized ventilation compared with other cases. The box, curve, and triangle greenhouses have better ventilation rate than different curve and different triangle greenhouses.

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How to Cite
วิเศษสุข อ. (2014). Study of Flow Pattern and Temperature Distribution of Air Inside Cultivable Greenhouse. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 1(2), 35–45. retrieved from
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