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ประพันธ์ พิกุลทอง
ดร.ณัฐวุฒิ อินทบุตร
ดร.ภูเทพ ดอนท้วม
ธเนศ วิลาสมงคลชัย
ผศ.ศิริชัย แดงเอม


EV quick charging technology was developed to support hasty life. Unfortunately, the EV charging at home cannot be installed regularly because the high power demand can break transmission system. Energy storage system has been used to improve electricity efficient of the house that doesn't designed for support EV quick charging. This research presents the control system of electricity supply for EV quick charging in household. The logical based control system has been designed to control the operation of energy storage system, when to charge and when to discharge. On the cost benefit, the energy storage system can reduce the energy cost up to 71% compared to the plain building. Moreover, the EV energy planning application has been developed for customize energy management plan and make 16% and 71% energy cost reduction per EV charging in case of 5 hr. and 10 hr. pre-scheduled respectively.

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พิกุลทอง ป., อินทบุตร ด., ดอนท้วม ด., วิลาสมงคลชัย ธ., & แดงเอม ผ. (2018). THE CONTROL SYSTEM OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FOR EV QUICK CHARGING IN HOUSEHOLD. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 5(1), 43–51. retrieved from
Research Article


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