Innovative Design Prototype Training Manikins of CPR Compression by Measuring Force Vector

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กิตติยา นาคพันธ์
สายพิณ ไชยนันทน์
วิโรจน์ ขาวละออ
ฐกฤต ปานขลิบ


First Aid Training Helper Model, it is an important skill training to save a life to anyone who encounters. This is to help people who have heart problems or stop breathing suddenly by putting pressure on the thorax. This is an essential skill in saving lives. To maintain blood flow and breathing before the ambulance and the first aid equipment will arrive. First Aid Training Helper Model is Virtual reality simulation like human breathing to develop skills and practice precision of the rescue operation. CPR with uneven pressure the pressure is too heavy or too light will be harmful to the sufferer. Therefore, the ergonomic design and precision are very important it also includes expensive models and lack of use in training. From this issue, this research would like to presents the model of CPR By measuring the force vector and direction by using locally available and low cost material to reduce production costs and reduce imports from abroad.

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How to Cite
นาคพันธ์ ก., ไชยนันทน์ ส., ขาวละออ ว., & ปานขลิบ ฐ. (2018). Innovative Design Prototype Training Manikins of CPR Compression by Measuring Force Vector. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 5(1), 21–27. retrieved from
Research Article


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