Web Application Development for Managing Mikrotik Firewall

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ทรงพล นคเรศเรืองศักดิ์
สุทธิลักษณ์ ชุนประวัติ


This research aims to develop web applications for managing firewall with Microtik-router. Based on Linux operating system. Managed over the user interface. And incomprehensible command line is provided in the form of a graphical user interface. And connect to the device via the API. Make control and write the command of the firewall on the device. We can also check the status of commands such as network access protection. Based on the Source address. Destination address it is also easy to manage up to layers 7. It can prevent applications such as Facebook, YouTube or inappropriate content. The results showed that web application developed by the researcher can be used for any purpose. The researcher evaluated the satisfaction of the system performance through 5 experienced network administrators. The satisfaction was at 4.64, which was at a very good level.

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How to Cite
นคเรศเรืองศักดิ์ ท., & ชุนประวัติ ส. (2018). Web Application Development for Managing Mikrotik Firewall. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 5(2), 11–19. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/178536
Research Article


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