Occupational Health Hazards and Factors Related to Work Safety Behavior among Garbage Collectors, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
occupational health hazards, work safety behavior, garbage collectorsAbstract
Objectives: This cross-sectional descriptive research aimed to study occupational health hazards and factors related to work safety behavior among garbage collectors at Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.
Methods: Samples were 203 garbage collectors employed by the local government organization. The samples were recruited by using the simple random sampling method. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire from April to June 2023. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square test.
Results: The results showed that most the subjects were male at 98.50 % with an average age of 44.57 year (S.D. = 10.46). The mean of work experience was 8.21 year (S.D. = 6.50). Working policy was at 84.23 %, safety training was at 75.86 %. The level of knowledge (Mean = 10.92, S.D. = 1.74) and safety attitude (Mean = 2.31, S.D. = 0.36) were at a moderate level. The main results revealed the following important occupational health hazards: chemical hazards such as exposure to dust (93.60%), waste odor (93.10%); ergonomic hazards such as repetitive work (93.10%), lifting or moving heavy object (91.63%). The level of safety behavior (Mean = 2.33, S.D. = 0.24) was at a moderate level. Factor of working policy (X2= 5.203, p = 0.023) and safety training (X2= 5.860, p = 0.015) were significantly related to safety behavior at work (p<0.05). Therefore, related government agencies should recognize the importance of risk of occupational health hazards and local government organization should provide policy and safety training. This will encourage garbage collectors to better adhere to safe working behavior.
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