Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Data Cleaning and Preparation: A Case Study of Recycled Polypropylene Composite Mixed with Tea Residue


  • Anuchit Khongrit Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Cheevin Limsiri Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Sureeporn Meehom Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University


Generative Artificial Intelligence, Data Cleaning, Data Preparation


     Objectives: This study aims to explore the capabilities of three Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems—, ChatGPT 3.5, and Gemini—on online platforms for data cleaning and data preparation. The dataset used for this study consists of the mechanical property testing data of recycled polypropylene composite mixed with tea waste.

     Method: The study begins by creating conversational prompts to interact with the generative AI systems, asking them for principles and methods for data cleaning and data preparation. Following these steps, the cleaned data is prepared, and the results from each AI platform are compared and discussed.

     Results: The results indicate that all three Generative AI systems provided useful information for the data cleaning and data preparation processes. The information obtained was accurate and consistent with data science literature. However, the AI platforms could not perform the actual data cleaning due to their system limitations. Consequently, Python libraries were used to carry out the data cleaning, with the generative AI systems serving a persona-based role in generating Python scripts for data cleaning and preparation. The cleaned and prepared dataset was found to be usable in data analysis programs, statistical analysis, and online platforms without any issues or errors stemming from incomplete or unclean data.


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How to Cite

Khongrit, A., Limsiri, C., & Meehom, S. (2024). Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Data Cleaning and Preparation: A Case Study of Recycled Polypropylene Composite Mixed with Tea Residue. Journal of Vongchavalitkul University, 37(1), 112–140. Retrieved from