New Approach to Health Care for Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases By Using the Principle of 8 practices (Ya 8 Khanan)
Non-Communicable Diseases, Eight Remedy, Principle of 4 E’s, New Approach to Health CareAbstract
This article aims to present concepts and foundation knowledge of self-care practices for patients with chronic non-communicable diseases (Non-Communicable Diseases: NCDs), especially patients with high blood pressure and diabetes using the principles of taking care of one's health according to the 4 E. concept : Eat, Exercise, Emotions, and Eliminate toxins. They include 8 methods of practices : 1) Emotion management 2) Eating 3) Exercise, 4) Drinking water, 5) Hand and foot massage, 6) Gua sha, 7) Hand and foot soak, and 8) Use of herbs. The empirical evidence from previous research results stated that there was a positive effect on patients who continuously practice such methods. The result showed a reduction of complications in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases. Some patients could reduce their medication and some patients could stop taking medicine.
These methods of practice are called Ya 8 Khanan. The reason for the name "8 doses of medicine" is that taking care of one's health for patients with chronic non-communicable diseases with these 8 methods of practices has a beneficial effect in reducing illness and It can also help the patients recover from the illness. The result was similar to be treated by medicine. In addition, the 8 methods of practices has no side effects which is different from modern medicine. Therefore, Ya 8 Khanan can be considered as a new health care innovation to deal with illnesses from chronic non-communicable diseases. Therefore, patients with chronic non-communicable diseases or related health personnel can use these methods of practices to Health Prevention and improve the health condition.
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