Design and Testing the Water Pumping System with Water Wheel and Coil Pump


  • Yuttachai Keawsuntia Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhon Ratchasima Province


coil pump, water wheel, water pumping


     วัตถุประสงค์:การวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาการออกแบบ การสร้าง และการทดสอบระบบสูบน้ำด้วยปั๊มขดที่ทำงานด้วยกังหันน้ำ ปั๊มชนิดนี้สร้างง่าย ราคาไม่แพง และบำรุงรักษาง่าย นอกจากนี้ พลังงานสูบน้ำมาจากแม่น้ำ ไม่ต้องใช้เชื้อเพลิงหรือไฟฟ้าสำหรับกระบวนการสูบน้ำ

     วิธีการ: The amount of water that can be pumped at a different head of water and the rotational speed of the coil pump when changing the number of coil pumps from 2 sets to 3 sets, each set of coil pumps composed of 6 coils, were studied. The water pumping system in this research consisted of 3 parts: a coil pump, a water wheel, and an oil drum float. The coil pump was 1.1 m in diameter. The coil was made from a hose, with a diameter of 0.0254 m. The water wheel was 1.5 m in diameter. The 10 blades of the water turbine, each of which blade had a semi-circle shape at 0.16 m in diameter, and the length of the blade was 0.8 m, were installed on the water wheel. The oil drum float, used 8 oil tanks with a capacity of 18 liters to make a float for supporting the water wheel and the coil pump, had a total weight of 80 kg. The construction cost was 4,000 baht. In this study, Wang-Nane River, Makluea Mai subdistrict, Sung Noen district, Thailand was chosen as the place to study.  

     Results: The experimental results showed that at the same head of water, the varied amount of the water pumped depended on the number of coil set. The 3 coil-pump set could pump more amount of water than the 2-coil pump set, while the rotational speeds of the 2 and 3 coil pump sets were not much different. When the pumping height increased, the amount of water pumped decreased. For the worthiness, the break-even point of the water pumping by coil pump working with a water wheel is 6 years.


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How to Cite

Keawsuntia, Y. (2022). Design and Testing the Water Pumping System with Water Wheel and Coil Pump. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 35(2), 119–130. retrieved from



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