Automatic Vending Machine Using Microcontroller


  • Chompoo Suppatoomsin Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Ekkarat Takkratok Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Fastwork Technology Company
  • Krisada Vilailak Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Sureeporn Meehom Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University


vending machine, microcontroller, automatic system



           Objective: This research presents the design and construction of an automatic vending machine using microcontroller to use with all Thai coins and banknotes, receive and get correct change money, also sending the messages of the selling goods.  

           Methods: Designed and constructed the automatic vending machine using microcontroller types Arduino Mega 2560. This machine can use all Thai coins and banknotes to buy products, get correct change money and displays the result through the line application. The machine was tested with 3 kinds of goods and 3 costs for sell as follows 143 Baht, 400 Baht, and 640 Baht.

           Results: The test results found that the machine could work properly and almost all the errors of the machine were 0%.  This machine could be developed for use in real life with more types of goods and varying cost. The automatic vending machine should develop a banknote detection part to be more accurate, preventing the external light, and using QR code for payments.


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How to Cite

Suppatoomsin, C., Takkratok, E., Vilailak, K., & Meehom, S. (2022). Automatic Vending Machine Using Microcontroller. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 35(1), 103–117. retrieved from



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