Automatic Fuel Dispenser Machine


  • Krisada Vilailak Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Sureeporn Meehom Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Chompoo Suppatoomsin Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Nopphadon Khodpun Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Wilaiporn Ngernbath Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Khon Kaen Campus


fuel dispenser machine, microcontroller, bill acceptor



           Objective: To develop an automatic fuel dispenser machine using a microcontroller and display the payment system through the LCD screen for fuel demand in rural areas.

           Methods: Designed and constructed the automatic fuel dispenser machine using a microcontroller for the fuel distribution system and the payment system are displayed through the LCD screen. The fuel distribution system was classified into gasoline A and gasoline B, that the fuel prices are 20 and 40 Baht per liter respectively. The experiment of payment system was done 10 times with 20, 50 and 100-baht banknotes each. Then, the distribution amount of gasoline in the tests were measured to compare with the correct amount.

           Results: The average distribution of gasoline A was 1019.5, 2511.5 and 5040.8 ml, and the average error value was 1.95, 0.53 and 0.82% respectively. The average distribution of gasoline B was 509.3, 1259.3 and 2564 ml, with the average error value was 1.86, 0.74 and 2.56% respectively. The values obtained from the experiment are in accordance with the scope of research that can be developed with practical application.   


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How to Cite

Vilailak, K., Meehom, S., Suppatoomsin, C., Khodpun, N., & Ngernbath, W. (2022). Automatic Fuel Dispenser Machine. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 35(1), 91–102. retrieved from



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