Immediate Effect of Facial Massage and Lymphatic Drainage Massage on Intraocular Pressure



ocular hypertension, lymphatic drainage massage, myofascial release



     Objective: High intraocular pressure is one of the major causes leading to glaucoma and visual loss. Thus, maintaining normal intraocular pressure is very important to delay visual loss, so lowering the intraocular pressure is the main treatment. Relaxed muscles help increase lymph outflow around the face and head. It is possible to increase the aqueous humor outflow and reduce the congestion from facial muscles spasm, increase outflow of aqueous humor to vascular and lymphatic systems which result in a reduction of intraocular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of muscle relaxing massage and facial lymphatic drainage on intraocular pressure.

     Methods: Twenty two healthy volunteers aged 37.18+11.58 years who regularly work with computer display more than 4 hours per day were recruited. Each of them received the muscle relaxing massage and facial lymphatic drainage for 15 minute.

    Results: The study results showed a significantly decrease in the mean difference of intraocular. In addition, the mean average of the reduction of intraocular pressure was significantly decreased 0.87+1.43 mmHg (p=0.01) for the right eyes. Nevertheless, no significant difference in the left eyes after receiving the intervention with mean   0.63+1.74 mmHg (p=0.105). These findings may conclude that the effect of massage to relax muscles and lymphatic drainage of muscle around the head and face might reduce intraocular pressure.


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How to Cite

Pattaranit, P., Ratanapakorn, T., Limphatcharaporn , J., & Sitthiracha , P. (2022). Immediate Effect of Facial Massage and Lymphatic Drainage Massage on Intraocular Pressure. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 35(1), 45–59. retrieved from



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