Factors Related to the Resilience Quotient of the Older Adults Living in a Community, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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Objective: This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to examine 1) the older adult resilience quotient level, 2) the social support level, and 3) the factors related with resilience quotient of the older adults living in a community, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.
Method: Samples were 290 older adults living in 10 communities, Nong Kham Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Nong Rawiang Sub-District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The samples were recruited by using stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and chi-square for correlation.
Results: The results indicated that most subjects were male (61.38%), 60-69 years old (55.52 %), married (66.21%), completed secondary education (69.31%), had insufficient income (62 %), had underlying diseases (57.59%), alcohol drinking (12.07%) and smoking (21.38%). the elderly Resilience Quotient and the social support were at moderate levels (60.70%, 59.00%, respectively). Factors associated with Resilience Quotient were demographic data, which consisted of marital status, sufficient of income, underlying diseases, alcohol drinking, smoking and social support factors (p < .05). Therefore, health personnel should organize projects to develop the mental health vitality of the older adults especially in the area of social support.
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