Design and Construction of a Wood Chipper


  • Anurak Manomai Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Rapeepun Leakmuinwai Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University


wood chipper machine, speed, fuel consumption rate


     Objective: To design and construct a mobile wood chipper and to test its performance.

     Method: Designing, constructing and testing the mobile wood chipper. To determine the suitable speed for the wood chipping process, the engine speed was tested at 1150 rounds per minute (rpm), 1800 rpm and 2450 rpm. The wood samples with diameter of 4 inches and length of 45 centimeters were selected from local species such as Acacia wood, Jam tree wood, Neem wood and Narong Acacia wood. This wood chipper was powered by an 11-horsepower agricultural diesel engine and used the belt to transmit the power to the wood chipper. During the test, the information of the operation of the chipper, the fuel consumption rate and the characteristics of the chipped wood were collected to evaluate the performance of the designed wood chipper.

     Results:  At the speed of 1150 rpm, the wood chipper was able to break the Acacia wood and Jam tree wood into chips unlike the Neem wood and Narong Acacia wood which caused the machine to jerk and shut down. At the speed of 1800 rpm, the machine was able to chip all of the wood samples and the wood obtained from the chipping process had a slight finely shape. At the speed of 2450 rpm, the machine was able to chip all of the wood samples and the wood obtained from the chipping process was finely shaped. The latest speed took the least time to chip the samples but it also had the highest fuel consumption rate. The speed which had the most efficient fuel consumption rate was 1800 rpm with the fuel consumption of 0.98 liters per hour.


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How to Cite

Manomai, A., & Leakmuinwai, R. (2020). Design and Construction of a Wood Chipper. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 86–94. retrieved from



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