Development of a Short-text Alarm Water Level Meter for Small Reservoirs with Ultrasonic Sensors


  • Tawatchai Chansungnoen Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Pisitpong Pantong Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University
  • Thatsaphon Chatkoh Design engineer, S. Jai Rak Limited Partnership, Makha District, Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
  • Wasin Ritthison Student, Mechatronic Engineering Branch, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University


water level measurement, Ultrasonic, small reservoir, SMS


      Objective: The aim of this research was to develop a short-text alarm water level meter for small reservoirs with ultrasonic sensors.     

     Methods: A water level alarm meter via short message (SMS) for a small reservoir was developed. The water level was measured by ultrasonic wave and sending the measured signal to a microcontroller for processing. The short message (SMS) was sent to the farmers in a real time. The test procedure began by dividing the measured water level into 5 levels as 1,3,5,7 and 10 centimeter. The water levels were measured by 10 times per level. The measured results were recorded together with the received short message (SMS) for analyzing the accuracy of the measurement.     

     Results: The ultrasonic wave censors could measure the water level at 1 centimeter with the results of 1.002 – 0.988 centimeter, 3.031-2.963 centimeter for the 3 centimeter, 4.993-4.960 centimeter for the 5 centimeter, 7.003-6.973 centimeter for the 7 centimeter, and 10.000-9.974 centimeter for the 10 centimeter. This was an adequate result to accept that the short-text alarm water level meter for small reservoirs is accurate in measuring and sending an alarm signal.


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How to Cite

Chansungnoen, T., Pantong, P., Chatkoh, T. ., & Ritthison, W. (2020). Development of a Short-text Alarm Water Level Meter for Small Reservoirs with Ultrasonic Sensors. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 71–77. retrieved from



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