Development of a Seamless Kidney Transplantation Patient Care System at Khon Kaen Hospital


  • Nutjanat Rintawut Professional Nurse, Kidney transplantation unit, Khon Kaen hospital, Khon Kaen Province
  • Nittaya Thongngeon Professional Nurse, Kidney transplantation unit, Khon Kaen hospital, Khon Kaen Province
  • Anong Seethakod Professional Nurse, Kidney transplantation unit, Khon Kaen hospital, Khon Kaen Province
  • Wilaiwan Saenhom Professional Nurse, Kidney transplantation unit, Khon Kaen hospital, Khon Kaen Province


kidney transplantation, seamless care system


    Objective: This participatory action research intended to develop a seamless kidney transplantation patient care system of Khon Kaen Hospital.  

     Methods: Participants in the study composed of 26 selected multidisciplinary health care personnel and 26 kidney transplantation patients. The study conducted under four steps of work, 1) situation analysis and clarification of problems, 2) model development, 3) implementation of the developed model, and 4) evaluation. The study tools consisted of 2 parts. 1) The care system development tool was the existing Kidney transplantation patient care guidelines of the hospital and 2) the tools used for data collection included patient characteristic questionnaire, a test for knowledge and activities of pre and post-kidney transplantation, clinical indicators record sheet and the satisfaction questionnaire for patients and for service providers on the developed seamless kidney transplantation care system. Data were collected by observing and questioning and were analyzed by descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

     Results: 1) A seamless kidney transplantation patient care system model was developed. 2) Results of the model implementation showed that there was no surgical postpone caused by improper patient preparation. The incidence of complications from inappropriate behaviors after renal transplantation decreased from 21.24% to 14.28% and the average day of hospital stay decreased from 10 to 6 days. Graft survival rate and patient survival rate increased from 85.71% to 100%. Care providers have a clear guideline of practice and seamless collaborative network for continuous patient care.


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How to Cite

Rintawut, N., Thongngeon, N., Seethakod, A., & Saenhom, W. (2020). Development of a Seamless Kidney Transplantation Patient Care System at Khon Kaen Hospital. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 40–55. retrieved from



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