Development of Radiotherapy-Treated Skin Care Model for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer, Khon Kaen Hospital

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Petcharaporn Prasanchum


     Objective: This action research aimed to develop a radiotherapy-treated skin care model for patients with head and neck cancer.

     Methods: Purposive sampling was used to recruit fourteen patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiotherapy-treated in Khon Kaen Hospital. This research used the Ottawa Charter Health Promotion concept and the Chronic Care Model concept to develop the care model. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and the radiotherapy skin change assessment form of Radiotherapy Oncology Group (RTOG) used in Khon Kaen Hospital. 

     Results: Situation analysis revealed the insufficient support of knowledge and skill on skin care for the patients. Results of the development of radiotherapy-treated skin care model consisted of eight parts: (1) evaluate and educate patient and relative, (2) supervise patient and relative to assess the patient skin every morning, (3) patient, relative and nurse jointly plan for the skin care, (4) inform patient to wear soft, wide-necked clothes, (5) use normal saline solution (NSS) for wound dressing of the affected area, (6) avoid an applying the plaster directly over the line of the skin, (7) strictly use the skin medication according to the individual treatment plan, and (8) advise the patient for the care methods of the exposed skin, contraindications and recommended procedures, and emphasizing on cleaning the body and bathing with mild soap.

Results of implementing the care model on patients with head and neck cancer who received radiotherapy found that the rate of grade 3-4 skin reaction was decreased from 0.43% to 0.29%, the patient and nurse satisfaction at high level were at 98% and 100% respectively. The care model for head and neck cancer is expected to be expanded to other hospitals in order to provide better quality patient care.

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How to Cite
Prasanchum, P. (2020). Development of Radiotherapy-Treated Skin Care Model for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer, Khon Kaen Hospital. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 24–39. retrieved from
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