Nursing Care for Postpartum Mothers with Preeclampsia with Severe Feature: Case Study

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Patcharaporn Jearanaithanakit


     Preeclampsia with severe feature in postpartum mother is one of the most dangerous complication for mothers and their babies.

     Objective: This study intended to share knowledge of general information, nursing diagnosis and nursing care of postpartum mother who had preeclampsia with severe feature admitted in an obstetric ward, Khon Kaen Hospital.

     Method: Two cases of postpartum mother diagnosed as preeclampsia with severe feature were explored closely to present nursing diagnosis and significant nursing care provided using nursing process.

     Results: Both of the postpartum mothers received the effective care to prevent complications of preeclampsia with severe feature. The lesson learned from this study demonstrated nursing diagnosis and nursing care for postpartum mother who had preeclampsia with severe feature. Nursing diagnosis and nursing care provided for the each case were different based on the problems, signs, symptoms, and personal factors of the postpartum mothers.

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How to Cite
Jearanaithanakit, P. (2020). Nursing Care for Postpartum Mothers with Preeclampsia with Severe Feature: Case Study. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 12–23. retrieved from
Research Articles


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