Development of Assessment and Prevention of Complications Form for Patients with Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)


  • Jiraporn Normkusol Registered Nurse, Professional Level; Coronary Care Unit, KhonKaen Hospital, Khon Kaen Province
  • Sukanya Samanchai Registered Nurse, Professional Level; Coronary Care Unit, KhonKaen Hospital, Khon Kaen Province


intra-aortic balloon pump, complication assessment form, acute coronary syndrome, cardiogenic shock


     Objective: to develop a surveillance and prevention of complications assessment form in patients with Intra-aortic balloon pump.

     Methods: Subjects of this research and development study design composed of 58 patients with Intra-aortic balloon pump admitted at Khon Kaen hospital and 20 physicians and registered nurses. The data were collected from medical records and interviewing. The development process consisted of 4 phases; 1) exploring situation, analyzing problems and needs of model development for surveillance and prevention complications assessment form for Intra-aortic balloon pump patients, 2) development of surveillance and prevention complications assessment form, 3) implementing of the developed form and 4) evaluating results. Descriptive statistics were applied to analyze quantitative data: frequency, percentage and mean.

     Results: 1) The situation analysis revealed that the evaluation of complications in patients with Intra-aortic balloon pump did not cover all aspects and had no evaluation form. Most of nurses had less than five year experiences. Care for patients with IABP provided differently according to the nurse experiences. One patient had limb loss caused from complication. 2) The developed surveillance and prevention complications assessment form in patients with Intra-aortic balloon pump model consisted of 2 parts: a new flowchart of surveillance and prevention complications assessment in patients with Intra-aortic balloon pump and a surveillance and prevention complications assessment form. 3) Results of the model implementation revealed the following complications; 3.1) thrombocytopenia 20.69%, 3.2) hematoma 17.24%, 3.3) acute Limb ischemia 8.62%, 3.4) infection 6.90% and no limb loss. All complications were detected and solved. 4) Evaluation: all nurses used the developed form, nurse satisfaction at high level was 93%, and patient satisfaction at high level was 90%.


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How to Cite

Normkusol, J., & Samanchai, S. . (2020). Development of Assessment and Prevention of Complications Form for Patients with Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP). Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(2), 1–11. retrieved from



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