Development of Electronic Pocket Book “ Business Tips Bettas Fish millionaire By Using OMNI Channel Marketing Strategy”
Electronic Pocket Book, Bettas Fise Business, OMNI Channel Marketing StrategyAbstract
The research study aims to 1) develop an electronic pocket book titled "Business Tips. Siamese fighting fish using multi-channel marketing strategies." 2) The measurement efficiency of electronic pocket books, titled "Business Tips. Siamese fighting fish using multi-channel marketing strategies. “The research tool is structured interview. The Information group is a group of content experts provides of three people and 3 expert persons in technology and digital media. The sample was selected using purposive sampling. Questionnaires and the general public to determine the sample size by using a formula of 400 Roscoe, method convenience sampling. The results showed that the creation of an electronic pocket book “Business Tips Bettas Fish millionaire Using a variety of marketing channel strategies" using Canva development of multimedia e-book format. Photos (Image), narration (Sound), animation, 2D, 3D, VHS (Video) the content consists of 9 sections detail involves a startup Business of fish sales through online and offline. Strategies for fish fighting sales a variety of channels (OMNI Channel).By measuring the performance of electronic pocket books with featured elements: performance and effectiveness, the assessment is very good ( = 4.51) and integrity, Customer Learning Satisfaction and Coverage Results Assessment are at a good level (
= 4.47, 4.47, 4.40 and 4.36).
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