Treatment of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals using the multi-stage wastewater treatment process

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Prayong Keeratiurai
Worawit Sangwut
Tunyarat Tuta


The objective of this research was the development of appropriate methods to treat wastewater from environmental laboratory of the Vongchavalitkul University.

This research used the multi-stage process for wastewater treatment. Which they were the 4 series of consecutive wastewater treatment systems. The series 1 of wastewater treatment system were acid-alkaline conditioning tank with NaOH until pH as 7-8.8 and sedimentation tank. The series 2 of wastewater treatment were the system of trickling filters with the 3/4 inches of rocks and coarse sand. The uniformity coefficient of coarse sand was 2.53. The total volumes of trickling filters were 0.3 m3. The series 3 of wastewater treatment system were the constructed wetland with the cattail that the areas of them were 0.88 m2. The final systems of wastewater treatment were the biological pond that the volume of them were 0.52 m3. Tilapia and catfish were used as the indicators of water quality. The hydraulic retention time was 12 days. This research analyzed 9 parameters that were COD, BOD, TS, TDS, SS, Mn, Hg, Ag and Cr that they were evaluated the efficiency of the multi-stage process. Wastewater was imported into the batch treatment system. The wastewater would flow continuously until the flows out of the system at the last pond.

The results showed that the efficiencies of wastewater treatment varied directly with the hydraulic retention times. The removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, TS, TDS, SS, Mn, Hg, Ag and Cr were 81.25%, 90.09%, 97.94%, 97.36%, 100%, 100%, 99.91%, 100% and 100%, respectively. The all parameters after treatment had properties according to the standard of effluent discharged from industrial plants.

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How to Cite
Keeratiurai, P., Sangwut, W., & Tuta, T. (2020). Treatment of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals using the multi-stage wastewater treatment process. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 33(1), 70–85. retrieved from
Research Articles


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