Electron Blocking Behavior of Electrochemically deposited TiO2 Compact layers for meso- and planar-perovskite Solar Cells


  • Swe Swe Than Yadanabon University
  • Tin Htun Lwin Hakha College
  • Su Htike Aung Mandalay University
  • Nyein Wint Lwin Mandalay University
  • Than Zaw Oo


Electrochemical Deposition, TiO2 Compact layer. Chronopotintiometry,, Titanium(III)chloride & Blocking behavior.


The TiO2 layers were electrochemically deposited under galvanostatic mode using three different deposition times. They were intended to be used as compact layers in perovskite solar cells. The structural and optical properties and surface morphology of electrochemically deposited TiO2 compact layers (TiO2 ED-CLs) were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. The present work mainly examined the quality and electron blocking behavior of TiO2 ED-CLs developed under different deposition times and modified electrolytes (TiCl3/K2CO3 and TiCl3/Na2CO3) by cyclic voltammetry. This electrochemical study indicated that the ED-CL deposited at 800s offered an optimum blocking behavior and the TiO2-CLs formed from TiCL3/K2CO3 is apparently less dense giving lower blocking effect compared to TiO2-CLs deposited from TiCL3/Na2CO3 system.

Author Biographies

Swe Swe Than, Yadanabon University

Lecturer, Department of Physics, Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar,05063

Tin Htun Lwin, Hakha College

Lecturer, Department of Physics, Hakha College, Hakha, Myanmar, 03011

Su Htike Aung, Mandalay University

Assistant Lecturer/Researcher, Materials Research Laboratory, Mandalay University, Myanmar, 100103

Nyein Wint Lwin, Mandalay University

Professor, Department of Physics, Mandalay University, Myanmar, 100103

Than Zaw Oo

Professor, Universities’ Research Centre, Yangon University, Yangon, Myanmar


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How to Cite

Than, S. S., Lwin, T. H., Aung, S. H., Lwin, N. W., & Oo, T. Z. (2020). Electron Blocking Behavior of Electrochemically deposited TiO2 Compact layers for meso- and planar-perovskite Solar Cells. Creative Science, 12(1), 122–129. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/snru_journal/article/view/202332