Publication Ethics

Research on Modern Science and Utilizing Technological Innovation Journal (RMUTI Journal)

1. Role and duties of the author of the article (Author Ethical Responsibilities)

     1.1 The author of the article must certify their work as a new. There is no copying (Plagiarism) in any case, including a work that has been published or presented in the full academic conference before and must not send the original that duplicate with other journals.

     1.2 The author of the article must make the manuscript of the content of the article according to the instructions for the author, the original article must meet the purpose and scope of the journal.

     1.3 The author of the article must check the accuracy of the reference list of the document. The author should not bring an academic document that have not been read for reference or put in the reference document and should refer to the document as necessary, not too much. Including not using the work of others to use in their work without reference and if the work of others is used in their own article, such as images or tables, must specify the source to prevent copyright infringement (If there is a lawsuit, it will be the sole responsibility of the author and the journal will not be responsible at all.)

     1.4 The author of the article whose name appears in every article must be a person who is involved in the actual article operation without adding the list of other article writers after receiving feedback from the journal.

     1.5 The author of the article must edit the article, improving the article according to suggestions and advice from the qualified person who considers the article and from the editorial department as appropriate. If the author of the article has conflict or useful clarification they can clarify and provide more information by proposing through the editorial department to inform the qualified person for consideration.

     1.6 The author of the article must specify the source of funding that supports this research and / or have conflicts of interest must be specified in the article and notify the editor.

     1.7 The author of the article must present the facts that arise from the research without distortion, provide false information, fake distortion, decoration or choose to show specific information that is consistent with the conclusion.

     1.8 In case of that the work is a research study and experiment in humans or animals. The experimenting in people may affect the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of people. The author must attach a certificate of ethics from the Human or animal research ethics committee. The approval to be published depends on the consideration of the editorial department.

2. Editor Roles and Responsibility (Editor Roles and Responsibility)

     2.1 The editor is responsible for considering and checking the quality of every article submitted for publication also considering the content of the article according to the purpose and scope of the journal.

     2.2 The editor must not reveal the information of the author and the article evaluator to other people in any case.

     2.3 The editor must use academic reasons to consider the article every time without prejudice towards the article and the author in the field of race, gender, religion, culture, politics and affiliation of the author of the article.

     2.4 Editors must not have conflicts of interest with article writers and article assessors also not use the article or journals for business or use as their own academic work.

     2.5 The editor must seriously check the article in the field of plagiarism. When the editor detects plagiarism of others, the editor must suspend the assessment and contact the author to consider accepting or refusing publication of the plagiarism of other articles or have fake information which should be removed. If the author refused to withdraw the article the editor can proceed to withdraw the article without the consent of the author. Which is considered the right and responsibility of the editor's article.

     2.6 The editor must not edit or change the content of the article and the evaluation results of the qualified person. Including not blocking or interfering with the information used to exchange between the qualified person and the author of the article.

     2.7 Editors must maintain the standards of journals. Including developing journals quality and always up to date.

     2.8 In case of problems occurring and exceeding the authority of the editor, the matter will be brought to the editorial board to make decision based on consensus.

3. Roles and duties of the article assessor (Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities)

     3.1 The article assessor must not reveal information in the article to other people who are not involved during the period of the article assessment. The article assessor must maintain the assessment period according to the specified assessment time frame.

     3.2 If the article evaluator has a conflict of interest with the author, the article evaluator must notify the journal editor and refuse to evaluate that article.

     3.3 The article assessor should evaluate the specific article in the field that he has expertise according to the principle and academic reasons by considering the importance, new, accuracy, clarity, consistency of content and not contrary to the policy of the journal.

     3.4 If there is any part of the article that is similar or duplicate with other works, the article evaluator must notify the editor.

     3.5 The article evaluator must not benefit from the academic work that he has evaluated.

     3.6 The article evaluator must express comments and suggestions that are useful and consistent with the content of the evaluated article to achieve better improvements. Including checking the accuracy and redundancy of the content of the article that valuated with other articles. Also inform the evaluation results to the journal editor to consider the decision to accept or reject the article for publication in the journal along with attaching evidence.