Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of a Flavonol-Based Fluorescent Probe (3-hydroxy-2-(pyren-1-yl)-4H-chromen-4-one)

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Chuthamat Duangkamol
Pariyaporn Piasangka
Attaya Nontiwantok
Thanakorn Siriananmanee
Natapat Sahaphatsombut
Amolrada Sathin
Nachicha Wongapichart


The purpose of this study was to investigate the absorption, emission properties, antioxidant activities, total phenolic compound, and total flavonoid contents of the flavonol-based fluorescent probe (3-hydroxy-2-(pyren-1-yl)-4H-chromen-4-one). The antioxidant activity was evaluated using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. Total phenolic content was also determined using Folin-Ciocalteau's reagent with gallic acid as a standard, as well as total flavonoid content using quercetin as a standard substance. The results found that flavonols have absorption properties. It has the highest absorbance at 355 nm and the highest emission at 418 nm (Ex 355 nm / Em 418 nm). Furthermore, synthetic flavonols were discovered to have antioxidant properties, with DPPH radicals showing a 44.7 % anti-oxidation value at 10 mg/mL. Total phenolic content and total flavonoids were 1.239±0.043 mgGAE/gDW and 1.312±0.014 mgCE/gDW. Therefore, synthetic flavonols exhibit antioxidant activity. The findings of this study can be used to develop new products as well as medical research.

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How to Cite
C. Duangkamol, “Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of a Flavonol-Based Fluorescent Probe (3-hydroxy-2-(pyren-1-yl)-4H-chromen-4-one)”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 31–44, Aug. 2024.
Research article


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