The Factors in Rail Transportation Service Considering User Expectation Toward New Normal and Sustainability: Case study Northeastern lines
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The development of infrastructure and Thailand's transportation is a sustainable development country goal which consists of transportation management development such as transportation management system and service form, Infrastructure such as roads, transport stations, and railway routes. Railway transportation is a main issue in the success of transportation services. And all over the lifestyle has changed. Therefore, this research aims to study the services quality factors of Northeastern lines. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The researcher collected data from a sample group for 600 people and used second-order factor analysis. The result showed that the service quality is measured by vehicle characteristics, services, information, crews and terminal at a statistically significant level 0.01. Therefore, service providers should prepare the information of travel on vehicle and stations, provide the security guard in station, manage getting on and off trains at platform and clean the station regularly.
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