Study on Growth, Nutrients Accumulation and Release from Azolla Cultured in Swine Farm Effluent

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ศิราภรณ์ ชื่นบาล
ฐปน ชื่นบาล


This research aims to study the accumulation and the release of nutrients from Azolla that cultured in swine wastewater effluent for using as a soil amendment. In this study, Azolla were cultivated for 1 month in anaerobic swine wastewater effluent at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 % dilutions. The results showed that the concentration of effluent and the duration of culture affected the growth of Azolla. Azolla could be growth better in low effluent dilutions. At 2 % effluent dilution, Azolla was reported as the highest growth with dry weight at 16.46 ± 0.8 g/m2 and the relative growth rate at 0.11 d-1. The optimum period for cultivating Azolla was 2 weeks. The nutrient concentration of the cultivated Azolla of N, P and K were 3.35, 0.87 and 7.43 %, respectively. The study on nutrients release of Azolla was determined by incubation of soil mixed with Azolla. The results suggested that Azolla increased organic materials in soil and released nutrients during 7 weeks of incubation, starting from the first two weeks. In conclusion, Azolla is suitable for soil amendment development due to rapid and long- lasting nutrients release.

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How to Cite
ชื่นบาล ศ. and ชื่นบาล ฐ., “Study on Growth, Nutrients Accumulation and Release from Azolla Cultured in Swine Farm Effluent”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 86–96, Apr. 2019.
Research article


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