The Development of a Coffee Bean Moisture and Temperature Measuring Device by Using Internet of Things

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Chulawalee Maneelert
Piroon Kaewfoongrungsi
Prathan Comejina
Ponwana Rattanachuchok


This research aimed to develop a device for measuring the moisture and temperature of coffee beans and to test its efficiency. We developed a prototype of the device along with an information system to display the measurement results. The device comprised a moisture sensor and a temperature sensor, which measured the values, transferred the data to a cloud server, and presented the findings through the information system. The differences in test results between the humidity sensor and the EE-KU machine, as well as between the temperature sensor and the digital thermometer (TP101), were not statistically significant at the 0.01 level. The device accurately measured the moisture and temperature of coffee beans and displayed the results on a mobile application installed on mobile devices, as well as a web application accessible to users. This application allows users to create additional user accounts and includes a database for gathering seller information. In terms of cost, the developed device is less expensive than commercially available devices, which cannot be used online and only display the results on the machine’s screen. Moreover, the developed device is smaller, lighter, and more portable than commercially available alternatives. Maintenance is also feasible, as the equipment can be easily sourced domestically at a low cost.

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How to Cite
Maneelert, C., Kaewfoongrungsi, P., Comejina, P., & Rattanachuchok, P. (2024). The Development of a Coffee Bean Moisture and Temperature Measuring Device by Using Internet of Things. PKRU SciTech Journal, 8(2), 24–38. retrieved from
Research Articles


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