Publication Process
PKRU SciTech Journal is a biyearly journal. The first issue is published between January and June and the second issue is published between July and December. PKRU SciTech Journal is open for manuscript submission for a whole year. The publication process is as follows:
1. Authors submit their manuscripts.
2. Editor checks completeness, correctness, and quality of the manuscripts.
3. For each submitted manuscript, Editor sends the manuscript to three reviewers.
4. Editor sends manuscript assessment results and comments made by reviewers to authors.
5. Authors revise the manuscripts and send the revisions along with reply letters (if any) to Editor.
6. Editor checks the correctness and formats of the revisions.
7. For each accepted manuscript, Editor issues an acceptance letter and publishes the manuscript on the journal’s website.
8. Editor collects the accepted manuscripts, checks their correctness, and sends them to a printing house to print a draft version of the journal.
9. Editor checks the draft version of the journal and sends it to authors to proofread. The draft version is also published on the journal’s website with a status “In Press”.
10. Editor publishes the final version of the journal.
Manuscript Preparation
1. B5 paper size is used. Margins must be 1.2 inches at the top and left sides of the paper, and 0.7 inches at the bottom and right sides of the paper.
2. A manuscript should be single column. Main text is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face and justify alignment.
3. A manuscript must be clearly written in Thai. English technical terms should be translated to Thai as much as possible. English technical terms can be written in the manuscript only when those terms cannot be translated (e.g., there are no proper Thai words for those terms).
4. Major headings should be typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and left alignment.
5. Subheadings should be typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface. Subheadings are numbered in chronological order with 0.75 cm tabbing from the major headings.
6. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
7. A page number is located in a page footer. Typeset page numbers in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face and right alignment.
8. Figures and tables should be inserted in the text nearest their first reference. Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 pixel and should be submitted together with a manuscript in separate files (.png, .gif, or .tif formats). If the authors require color figures, additional fee might be charged. Tables should have no borders on the left and right sides and table headers should have no color.
Manuscript Structure
1. Title in Thai: Typeset the Thai language title in 16 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and center alignment. The title should not longer than 2 lines (or 100 letters).
2. Title in English: Typeset the English language title in 16 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and center alignment. Capitalize all words in the title, except prepositions. The title should not longer than 2 lines.
3. Author names: Author names must be provided both in Thai and English. Typeset the author names in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and center alignment. A superscript asterisk symbol (*) should be inserted at the end of the corresponding author’s surname.
4. Affiliations: Affiliations must be provided both in Thai and English. Typeset the affiliations in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the italic face and center alignment. Multiple affiliations should each start on a new line.
5. A footnote is inserted in the first page of the manuscript for showing an email address of the corresponding author. In the footnote, (i) the word “*ผู้ประสานงานหลัก (Corresponding Author)” (typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface), and (ii) the word “E-mail:” followed by an email address (typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the italic face), are inserted. If the authors come from different affiliations, superscript Arabic numbers identifying affiliations should be inserted at the end of authors’ surnames.
6. Abstract in Thai: The word “บทคัดย่อ” is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and left alignment. The content of Thai language abstract is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face, justify alignment, and an indentation of 1 cm at the first line. It should not longer than 250 words (or 15 lines).
7. Keywords in Thai: The word “คำสำคัญ:” is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and left alignment. Thai language keywords are typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face and left alignment. Thai keywords are separated by spaces and should not exceed 4 words.
8. Abstract in English: The word “Abstract” is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and left alignment. The content of English language abstract is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face, justify alignment, and an indentation of 1 cm at the first line. It should not longer than 250 words (or 15 lines).
9. Keyword in English: The word “Keywords:” is typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with boldface and left alignment. English language keywords are typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face and left alignment. English language keywords are separated by commas and should not exceed 4 words.
10. Introduction: Describe the necessary background information of the research and literature review.
11. Objectives: Provide the aims of the research.
12. Research methodology: Explain processes and methods used for conducting the research. For example, sampling methods, sources of data, data collection methods, tools, and data analyzing techniques.
13. Results: State the findings of the research. The findings might be presented in the forms of tables, graphs, or figures. The number of tables should not exceed 5 tables.
14. Discussion: Explain whether the findings support or reject the hypothesis of the research. Compare the findings with those of related works. Describe practical application of the research outcome. State suggestions for further research.
15. Conclusion: The conclusion should correspond to the objectives and the methodology of the research.
16. Acknowledgement: State the funding sources of the research.
17. References: References are typeset in 14 pt TH-SarabunPSK font with the regular face and left alignment. If a reference is longer than 1 line, the first letter of the second line is located at the same column with the first letter of the first line. References are formatted in the American Psychological Association (APA) style in which:
17.1 In text, references are listed in the order cited, and indicate as [1] [2] [3] ...
17.2 In reference section, references are listed according to the order cited in text, NOT alphabetical.
17.3 In a reference, all author names are presented. Author names are separated by commas. If the reference is a Thai language article, (i) authors’ first names are not abbreviated, and (ii) the word “และ” is inserted in front of the last author name. If the reference is an English language article, (i) authors’ first names and middle names are abbreviated, and (ii) the letter “&” is inserted in front of the last author name.
17.4 The publication year of a reference is written inside a parenthesis “( )”. If the reference is an in-press article and is a Thai language article, the word “(อยู่ระหว่างการพิมพ์)” is used instead of the publication year. If the reference is an in-press article and is an English language article, the word “(in press)” is used instead of the publication year.
17.5 For the title of an English language article, the first letter is capitalized. The italic face is used for the first letter of a sub-title and/or a specific title (if any).
17.6 All references must include the internet link (URL) and/or DOI to the article, book, or webpage where the referenced material is accessible.
Examples of References
[…] Authors. (Publication Year). Title. Journal, Volume(Issue), Pages.
[1] นรภัทร น้อยหลุบเลา, และ ชวิศร ปูคะภาค. (2559). การพัฒนากังหันเติมอากาศโดยใช้พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์. วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม, 35(2), 141-149.
[2] Lu, Y., & Larock, R. C. (2011). Synthesis and properties of grafted latices from a soybean oil-based waterborne polyurethane and arylics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, 3305-3314.
[…] Authors. (Publication Year). Title (Edition). Place Published: Publisher/Printing House.
[1] บพิธ จารุพันธุ์, และ นันทพร จารุพันธุ์. (2558). สัตววิทยา (พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 7). กรุงเทพฯ: สำนักพิมพ์มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์.
[2] Hickman, C. P. Jr., Roberts, L. S., Keen, S. L., Eisenhour, D. J., Larson, A., & l' Anson, H. (2014). Integrated principles of zoology (16th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Research report:
[…] Authors. (Publication Year). Title (Research report). Place Published: Publisher/Institution.
[1] ฐิตาภรณ์ ภูมิไชย์, กฤษดา สังข์สิงห์, และ เฉลิมพล ภูมิไชย์. (2557). การศึกษาลักษณะทางกายภาพของสมบัติไม้ยางพารา (รายงานผลการวิจัย). กรุงเทพฯ: สถาบันวิจัยยาง กรมวิชาการเกษตร.
[…] Authors. (Publication Year). Title (Doctoral/Master’s thesis). Place Published: Publisher/Printing House.
[1] พรรณี สอาดฤทธิ์. (2545). ความหลากหลายและการแพร่กระจายของคลาโดเซอราในแหล่งน้ำจืด จังหวัดตรัง (วิทยานิพนธ์ ปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต). สงขลา: มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์.
[…] Authors. (Publication Year). Title. [Online]. Retrieved from URL (Access Date).
[1] สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาทรัพยากรทางทะเล ชายฝั่งทะเล และป่าชายเลน. (2562). องค์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับแมงกะพรุนพิษในประเทศไทย. [ออนไลน์], สืบค้นจาก (6 พฤศจิกายน 2562).
Template files
Research article: