Relationship Between Physicochemical Properties of Water and Chlorophyll a, b at Bandon Bay, Surat Thani Province
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The water resources in Ban Don Bay contain high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient. Most of these nutrients come from wastewater from surrounding human activities, and they are the primary cause of algal blooms. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the concentration of chlorophyll a and b and the physicochemical quality of water at Bandon Bay. Water samples were collected from three stations of the canal mouth including Tha Thong Canal, Ram Canal, and Kradae Canal during the summer and rainy seasons. The result showed that the concentrations of chlorophyll a and b at all three stations during the rainy season (15.23-16.93 and 8.64-9.58 µg/L respectively) were higher than those during the summer season (13.25-13.62 and 7.44-7.91µg/L respectively). The cluster analysis revealed that concentrations of chlorophyll and water quality were divided into two groups by season with a percent similarity of 94.22% and 96.60%, respectively. The Pearson correlation analysis showed that the chlorophyll concentration was correlated with seasonal variations in water quality. The chlorophyll concentration was high during the rainy season when water temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen were low, while the nutrient contents including total ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and orthophosphates were high. Although the concentration of chlorophyll in the rainy season was higher than in the summer, the chlorophyll a content indicated that the study area in both seasons was in a eutrophic state or polluted state due to the increase in nutrient and chlorophyll content.
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