Study of Type and Content of Pesticide Residue in Water of Agricultural Areas of Thonburi, Bangkok

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Utumporn Sompong


Nowadays, there are pesticides that were focused because of concern of their residues in environments. Therefore, this research aims to assess contents of pesticide residues in water sources of agricultural areas then analyze related factors. The methods are determining contents of 55 types of insecticide from 4 groups including carbamate, organochlorine, organophosphate, and pyrethroid remaining in canals passing through agricultural areas in Bangkok, Thonburi in 4 districts composing Lampadong, Pathum, Seewa, and Namdang canal in Talingchan, Taweewattana, Nongkheam, and Bangbon districts, respectively. The research was done in 2 seasons of summer and rainy in April and June, respectively. Effect of the factors comprising of season, area, and type and group of pesticides was analyzed. The result showed that we found 7 types from 2 groups of pesticide residues including 3 types from carbamate group viz. Fenobucarb, Carbofuran, and Methomyl and 4 types from organophosphate group viz. Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, Ethion, and Triazophos with mean of 0.038, 0.013, 0.074, 0.013, 0.013, 0.013, and 0.168 microgram/liter, respectively. However, effect from area, season, type and group of pesticides could not be found with p-value of 0.2610, 0.6440, 0.1150 and 0.1510, respectively. On the other hand, correlation of the contents in Nongkheam and Bangbon district was found with Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9959 and that of diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and ethion with r = 1.0000 at same significant level of 0.001.

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How to Cite
Sompong, U. (2021). Study of Type and Content of Pesticide Residue in Water of Agricultural Areas of Thonburi, Bangkok. PKRU SciTech Journal, 5(2), 17–30. retrieved from
Research Articles


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