Mathematical Model for Controlling the Spread of Hepatitis B Virus by Education Campaign

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Anuwat Jirawattanapanit


This research aimed to develop and analyze the stability of mathematical models for controlling the spread of hepatitis B virus by the educational campaign in Phuket. The model was analyzed using standard methods, the equilibrium point, stability of the equilibrium points and analytic solutions. Mathematical model for the rate of educational campaign on the spread of hepatitis B virus was studied to find the numerical solutions. Four nonlinear differential equations were obtained from the developed mathematical model with disease, disease-free equilibrium, and basic reproductive number. The results of the mathematical model analysis revealed that the rate of an educational campaign for the spread of hepatitis B is a factor that affected the basic reproductive number. The higher rate of educational campaign resulted in the lower basic reproductive number. Furthermore, if the at-risk population has limited understanding about the spread of hepatitis B, the disease will spread faster.

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How to Cite
Jirawattanapanit, A. (2021). Mathematical Model for Controlling the Spread of Hepatitis B Virus by Education Campaign. PKRU SciTech Journal, 5(2), 1–16. retrieved from
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