Phytochemicals and Antiradical Activity of Stingless Bee Honey and Preparation of Liquid Soap Gel Containing Stingless Bee Honey

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Imron Meechai
Rokeeyoh Mahlae
Isma-ae Chelong


The aims of this research were to analyze the preliminary phytochemicals, anti-radical activity and total phenolic content of stingless bee honey (Heterotrigona itama), to prepare liquid soap gel containing stingless bee honey, and to investigate the chemical properties and stability of liquid soap gel, which storage for 30 day at room temperature and 4 - 8 °C. The preliminary study of phytochemicals displayed that stingless bee honey included five group of phytochemicals as flavonoids coumarins saponins tannins and terpenoids. The antiradical activity and total phenolic content of stingless bee honey were 769.13 ± 63.27 mg Vitamin C equivalent/100 g honey and 556.88 ± 20.11 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g honey, respectively. This data indicates that stingless bee honey has good antioxidant capacity and high total phenolic content. The evaluation of chemical properties and stability of liquid soap gel was according to TISI standard 1403 - 2551.

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How to Cite
Meechai, I., Mahlae, R., & Chelong, I.- ae. (2020). Phytochemicals and Antiradical Activity of Stingless Bee Honey and Preparation of Liquid Soap Gel Containing Stingless Bee Honey. PKRU SciTech Journal, 4(2), 23–32. retrieved from
Research Articles


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