การพัฒนาการขึ้นรูปโครงเลี้ยงเซลล์เพื่องานวิศวกรรมเนื้อเยื่อผิวหนังด้วยเทคนิคการหล่อแบบเทปจากเจลาติน ไฟโบรอิน และไคโตซาน Development of Fabrication of Gelatin-Fibroin-Chitosan Scaffold for Skin Tissue Engineering Using Tape Casting Technique

Main Article Content

Ussamon Potsudjarit


The objective of this research was to fabricate scaffold for skin tissue engineering using tape casting technique, which were suitable for fabricate skin scaffold, which can control the thickness of the specimen. Experimental design based on mixture design was employed to determine suitable compositions which were able to tape cast and effects of components on water swelling of the scaffolds, consisting of gelatin, fibroin, and chitosan. From prelimary study, it was found that the slurry compositions with fibroin less than 40% had a tape castibility. According to the 7 compositions selected, the tapes were smooth and had uniform thickness. The average swelling ability of sample was 613.10-774.73%, it was found that the slurry components in scaffold significantly contribute to water swelling and It is also biocompatible because the cell survival rate was over 80 percent in 24 hours. These properties of the experiment samples are suitable for application of skin tissue engineering.


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How to Cite
Potsudjarit, U. (2018). การพัฒนาการขึ้นรูปโครงเลี้ยงเซลล์เพื่องานวิศวกรรมเนื้อเยื่อผิวหนังด้วยเทคนิคการหล่อแบบเทปจากเจลาติน ไฟโบรอิน และไคโตซาน: Development of Fabrication of Gelatin-Fibroin-Chitosan Scaffold for Skin Tissue Engineering Using Tape Casting Technique. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 12(2), 129–136. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nuej/article/view/79369
Research Paper
Author Biography

Ussamon Potsudjarit, 1)Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Center (AMTech), Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand. 2)Biomedical Engineering Center (BMEC), Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University


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