Production Improvement Steps: Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Automation

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Prapassorn Tantiphanwadi
Anut Siripanya
Pacharappong Panyakunanont
Pasidth Thanachotanankul
Nantachai Wongpatiwate
Suchinda Phwngmalay
Siriwat Waiyanit


With the effort of cost reduction, manufacturers attempted to be more automated.  Some of them brought automated equipment, such as robot arm, into production line but were unable to gain successful implementation causing loss due to unused machine.  The research is aimed to develop improvement steps based on activities of lean manufacturing that brings continuous and productive production line. Six sigma activity with statistical application brings production line to be less variability and more control enough for lean automation activity.  The last activity requires smooth operations of production control, equipment maintenance and raw materials. The 15-steps assure for the projects that follow will be successful.  A case study is implemented on three production processes, stamping, forming and piercing. Its result is the transformation into lean semi-automation processes that cycle time is reduced by 55.1% and overall equipment effectiveness index is increased by 15.2%.

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Tantiphanwadi, P., Siripanya, A. ., Panyakunanont, P. ., Thanachotanankul, P. ., Wongpatiwate, N. ., Phwngmalay, S. ., & Waiyanit, S. . (2020). Production Improvement Steps: Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Automation. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(2), 47–64. retrieved from
Research Paper


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