Automatic Detection and Alert of Fall in a Restroom by Infrared Sensor

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Kornkanok Saranan
Nuntiya Chaiyabut


This paper presents the automatic detection and alert of fall in a restroom which is developed by internet of things (IoT) concept. The system consists of sensors, microcontroller, transmitter, and receiver device. The data are measured by infrared distance sensors and sent to the microcontroller. In this paper, Arduino Uno is used for processing the fall. Then the results of processing are transmitted to the cloud by Node MCU. The receiver device is a mobile phone. The alert signal is sent to Line application on a mobile phone when a fall in a restroom appears. Moreover, we develop the application for the Android operating system on mobile devices. This application is designed to facilitate the request for help as specified by the user. The test result of the automatic detection and alert system is the system can alert through the Line application on mobile devices for every ten seconds after the fall event occurs with 98 percent accuracy.  

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How to Cite
Saranan, K. ., & Chaiyabut, N. (2020). Automatic Detection and Alert of Fall in a Restroom by Infrared Sensor. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 15(1), 44–52. retrieved from
Research Paper


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