The Development of Below Knee Stump Model to Promote Stump Bandaging Skill for Physical Therapy Students
Below Knee Stump, Innovation, Physical Therapy, BandageAbstract
Bandaging the below-knee stump using models is an essential skill for physical therapy. Currently, models are sold at a relatively high price. Therefore, it has limited use in educational institutions. The researchers developed the below-knee stump model with a realistic size and shape using materials easily procured within a budget. The objectives were to evaluate the effectiveness of the below-knee stump model developed by the researchers for practicing bandage skills and to compare user satisfaction. Three experts assessed the efficacy of the developed model. Forty-eight second-year physical therapy students were invited to satisfy the model. The tools used in this study were a performance evaluation form of a below-knee stump model and a satisfaction assessment form after using the bandage practice on a below-knee stump model. The results found that: 1) The below-knee stump model featured a realistic shape and size, complemented by a durable soft rubber surface 2) The overall below-knee stump model's average performance was excellent (4.89 ± 0.17). 3) The average overall satisfaction of users with the use of the below-knee stump model was higher than the university of the below-knee stump model. The performance of the overall below-knee stump model was at an excellent level (4.67 ± 0.56 and 4.44 ± 0.74; p < 0.001, respectively). These findings suggested that the below-knee stump model developed by researchers can promote leg stump bandaging skills for physical therapy students before practicing with actual patients.
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