Application of the Geographic Information System to devolop land valuation models, case study: Muang Chiangmai District, Chiangmai Province
Land Valuation Prices, Geographic Information System, Land Valuation Models, Street valueAbstract
This research aims to build a model of land valuation in the district of Chiang Mai and It is a way to assist the government in determining the land valuation prices to be similar to the market prices, this would be another way to increase government revenue. Therefore, the study focused on analyzing factors that influenced land valuation in the district of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province. The study utilized two sample groups: Land parcel data from registered land transactions and legal documents obtained from the Chiang Mai Provincial Land Office. The data covered the period between May 2017 and November 2022, comprising 2,821 data points. Additionally, an online survey using Google Forms collected 300 responses as an additional sample group. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, including the mean, percentages, maximum, minimum, and multiple linear regression using the stepwise regression method, were employed to analyze the data.
The results found that the influence factor on land valuation prices in the district of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province, with positive relations include the street value, plot width, distance from pollution sources, and the availability of public utilities and facilities. While the factors influencing the land valuation prices in the district of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province, with the negative directions, were the land area. Total number of five factors. The model is effective in predicting land valuation prices in Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai Province, equal to 56.9 percent.
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