Development of Financial Document Tracking System, Income Budget of School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao by Google Sheet
Financial document tracking system, Income budget, Google sheet, School of Allied Health sciencesAbstract
This study aims to develop a financial status tracking system, and income budget Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao using Google Sheets and assess satisfaction with the development of a financial status tracking system from the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences personnel. The participants of this were academic personnel and support personnel belonging to the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao about 45 people. The tool used in the study was a satisfaction assessment form regarding the development of a financial status tracking system, and income budget Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao using Google Sheets, where the tools used in the research were evaluated for quality by experts before being put to actual use. The results found that the overall average score of the evaluation results of satisfaction with the development of the financial status tracking system, and income budget Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao using Google Sheets personnel within the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao at a high level. The average score was 4.48 ± 1.33. The evaluation results for each evaluation topic has a high average score. This study concludes that the personnel of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao, there is a high level of satisfaction with the development of the financial status tracking system, and income budget Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Phayao using Google Sheet.
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