Appointments and Communication System for Healthcare with a Chatbot
Application, Appointments, Communication, Chatbots, MedicalAbstract
Nowadays, chat messaging system on smart devices is convenient and safe communication. The hospital's chat messaging system is able to provide significant information to the users. That can be convenient, economical, and safe for the user, especially, in an epidemic situation or having difficult or unsafe travel. In order to take advantage of the use of mobile technology this will increase convenience, savings, and safety for the users, therefore, the idea was born to develop an appointment and communication system for healthcare with a chatbot. The objectives of this research are to; 1) Develop a chatbot system for appointments and communication for healthcare facilities; 2) Evaluate the performance of the system and assess user satisfaction with its use. The technology used in developing the chatbot system consists of; 1) A database system that collects data (Data Collection) by pulling some data from the database of the Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital from the JHCIS (Java Health Center Information System) software; 2) Designing a command set in the chatbot that will use the Telegram messaging system (Telegram) and create a messaging channel to broadcast the news to the users. The message will be encrypted to prevent outsiders from hacking the system. 3) Golang for loading the initial data and updating various appointment information.
The evaluation of the performance of the system is done by 5 experts and 100 users. The results of the evaluation can be summarized in 2 areas, consisting of the efficiency of the system and the usability of the system using statistical values, percentage values, mean, and standard deviation (S.D). The overall of the results of evaluation the efficiency of the system and the usability are at a very good level. The average is 4.54, S.D = 0.54. When considering each issue, it was found that the issues regarding the usability of the system have an average of 4.53, S.D = 0.65 and system efficiency issues have an average of 4.55, S.D = 0.56.
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