Estimation of Above Ground Carbon Sequestration in Urban Public Park: A Case Study of Nakhon Pathom Municipality Youth Center, Nakorn Pathom Province
Tree, Carbon sequestration, Above ground biomass, Thetsaban Nakhon Nakhon Pathom Youth CenterAbstract
Carbon sequestration of trees can reduce carbon dioxide in atmosphere which is part of the factors that cause global warming. The purposes of this study were (1) to analyse the above-ground biomass of trees in the sample plots and (2) to evaluate the carbon storage of trees in the sample plots. The study area was separated into 4 sample plots with 10x10 meters in Nakhon Pathom Municipality Youth Center, Nakorn Pathom Province. Survey data consisted of name, height, diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees which were higher than 1.30 meters with diameter at breast height over 4.5 centimetres. Then, plant’s name, diameter value, and tree’s height data were recorded. Estimation of above-ground biomass from allometric equation and carbon storage in the sample plots of study area was operated. The results indicated that there were 12 species of plants such as Flambuoyant tree, Broad Lead Mahogany and Pride of India which were the most found. Above-ground biomass in sample plots area was 17.555 tons, average carbon sequestration of 4 sample plots was at 33.004 tons C/rai. Therefore, carbon sequestration in greenfield of Nakhon Pathom Municipality Youth Centre was 602.983 tons C. This information can be a guideline to improve the efficiency of carbon storage in further.
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