The Web Application Development for Direct Admission (Teacher Counseling Quota) at the University of Phayao


  • Ponpitak Intasorn Division of Education Service, University of Phayao, Phayao, 56000
  • Anupong Loungyo Center for Information Technology Services, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang rai, 57100
  • Thidapath Anucharn School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao, 56000


Direct Admission, Teacher Counseling Quota, University of Phayao, Web application


Previously, Teacher counseling used to submit documents in paper format to University of Phayao. Subsequently, the admissions office had to manage the reception of a substantial volume of documents, leading to increased complexity and a heightened burden on the counseling staff. This process incurred additional expenses for the guidance counselors. Additionally, the paper-based document storage required considerable physical space and posed a high-security risk, with a likelihood of errors during document verification. A total of 53,247 documents. The primary objective of this study was to create a web application for the Direct Admission (Teacher Counseling Quota) project at the University of Phayao. 2) To evaluate user satisfaction with the web application for the Direct Admission (Teacher Counseling Quota) project at the University of Phayao. The primary objective of the web application's creation is to optimize efficiency and streamline the operational procedures undertaken by academic counselors and admission authorities. The objective is to create a web application that comprises Front-End components constructed with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, as well as Back-End components produced using PHP and the Phalcon Framework. Microsoft SQL Server is commonly employed in the field of relational databases. 2) Assess the level of user satisfaction pertaining to the utilization of the web application for the Direct Admission (Teacher Counseling Quota) initiative at the University of Phayao, which has been developed in the format of a web-based application. The outcomes of this study comprise the creation of a web application and the implementation of a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistical measures employed in this study encompass the calculation of the mean and standard deviation. According to the research findings, the online application utilized in the Direct Admission (Teacher Counseling Quota) initiative at the University of Phayao segregates user roles into two distinct categories: academic counselors and admission officers. The study of user satisfaction resulted in an average score of 4.53, with a standard deviation of 0.53. These findings suggest that the system is extremely successful and may be categorized as "very good."


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