Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Road Rush Hour Traffic for Supporting Environmental Impact Reduction Plan in front of University of Phayao
Carbon dioxide emission assessment, Geographic information system, Traffic count dataAbstract
The objective of this study is to assess the release of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from roads in front of University of Phayao based on rush-hour traffic count data. The road within the study area was separated and digitized into 8 segments based on intersection points. Field survey on 27th (Thursday) 28th (Friday) and 30th (Sunday) October 2022 were represented as weekday and weekend traffic volume during closing semester, respectively. On the other hand, 10th (Thursday) 11th (Friday) and 13th (Sunday) October 2022 represented the data during opening semester. After key-in data into Microsoft excel software, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions volume for each road segment are sequentially calculated. The processing of geographic information system was used to store and represent data of CO2 emission. Later, the excel table data were joined into the attribute table of the layer and presented as a map of CO2 emission volume. The study results demonstrate that the highest CO2 emissions occur during the rush hours on holidays, amounting to 1,660.84 kg CO2eq. Furthermore, during the closing semester, CO2 emissions on holidays exceed those on regular days. Conversely, during the opening semester, the CO2 emissions are completely opposite. Additionally, the procedure was also possible and utilized as support data for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission monitoring and minimizing.
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