Above Ground Carbon Stock Estimation of Mixed Deciduous and Dry Dipterocarp Forest using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Geoinformatics
Above Ground Carbon Stock, UAV imagery, Geoinformatics, Multiple Regression Linear AnalysisAbstract
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery was mainly applied to many missions, especially orthophotograph, digital surface model (DSM), and digital terrain model (DTM). This study integrated UAV data, Geoinformatics, and Multiple linear regression analysis into above ground carbon stock (AGC) estimation. The study's objectives were surveying with UAV and data processing of orthophoto and developing AGC estimation of mixed deciduous and dry dipterocarp forest with multiple linear regression analysis. The factors used in the study were dependent variables (carbon stock data) and independent variables (UAV imagery including blue, green, red, red edge and near infrared bands, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)). As a result, the factor related to AGC was NDVI. The AGC model was “AGC = (2,293.12 x NDVI) + 35.14” with R2 of 71.5%. The AGC value of the study area averaged about 31.72 tons/rai with RMSE of 3.99 tons/rai.
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