The Local Wisdom Website as “Khong Dee Dan Kwian” for Public Relations and Sales Promotion of Community Products in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Local Wisdom, Khong Dee Dan Kwian, WebsiteAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to design and develop the local wisdom website as “Khong Dee Dan Kwian” for public relations and sales promotion of community products in Nakhon Ratchasima province 2) to assess the efficiency of the system and the satisfaction of website users. For the operation steps that include
1) learning problems and business data collection 2) analysis and design system 3) website developing with the content management system of the website using the WordPress program and the phpMyAdmin program to manage database 4) system testing 5) system performance assessment from the 3 experts and the satisfaction of use assessment from the sample of 384 website users, Statistics used to analyze data were averages and standard deviations. The results showed that the local wisdom website as “Khong Dee Dan Kwian” helps increasing sales promotion and public relations of Dan Kwian community products channels through online system. As a result, the community shops are more well known to both domestic and international customers. In addition, the result of the system performance assessment from the experts was at the highest level of overall assessment with the overall mean of 4.55 and the standard deviation of 0.13. The experts give the most importance to the process of the system, followed by the system processing and system safety and the satisfaction assessment from the users was at the highest level of overall assessment with the overall mean of 4.42 and the standard deviation of 0.30. The users give the most importance to user interface, followed by the benefits/application and content.
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