A Comparison of Future Simulation of Land Use Models in Urbanization A Case Study of Buriram District, Buriram Province
Land use model, CA-Markov, Land Change Modeler, BuriramAbstract
Buriram Province It is one of the most rapidly expanding provinces in Thailand. from the fact that there is a railway line that cuts through the middle of the city. It is an economic city, a sports city, and a tourism city. This led to an interest in studying the development of Buriram city using a comparative land use model. The purpose is to validate the model. And to forecast land use in the year 2032 by using CA-Markov (CAM) and Land Change Modeler 3 methods, which are Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Logistic Regression (LR) and SimWeight (SM). And a total of 10 factors were included in the analysis, namely 1) Digital elevation model 2) Slope 3) Aspect 4) Distance from the municipality 5) Distance from local government 6) Distance from road 7) distance from railways, 8) stream, 9) soil drainage, and 10) population density. The results showed that area trends during 2007-2012 and 2012-2022, building area and water source area are increasing, but agricultural land and forest areas has reduced. After that checking the land use model validation, it was found that in the overall accuracy method and the Kappa coefficient, the MLP, LR, and SM methods higher accuracy than the CAM method. The 2032 land use forecast found that all four methods yielded quantitatively similar results. (Area), but there are differences in terms of the land use allocation with concepts that result in different maps. This output can be applied to different situations and contexts in different areas.
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