Development of Smart Agricultural Monitoring and Irrigation System using IoT and Mobile Applications
WSNs, IoT, Mobile GIS, Spatial web service, Geo-processingAbstract
Now a day, an identifying and quantifying significant spatial and temporal variability in agricultural field has been a crucial factor for improving agricultural production and management. With the development of modern sensors and sensing technology, field information collection in precision agriculture could be achieved by a multiplicity of technologies, including Wireless Network Sensors (WSNs), Remote Sensing (RS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and Geographic Information System (GIS). Among them, for the low-cost and low-energy consumption sensor nodes deployment, the WNSs has been widely used in agriculture for automated irrigation management, fertilization, pesticide detection and control, as well as environment monitoring and greenhouse controlling.
In this work, we have introduced a way to apply IoT Sensor technology to mobile applications for field data collection, monitoring and controlling for agricultural. To collect data, the WSNs system was designed and developed for remote real-time monitoring and collection of the parameters. The parameters used in this experiment is temperature, humidity and soil moisture. The developed devices and applications allow users to save data directly to the database, reducing the time it takes to complete the task. The data will have the coordinates from mobile GPS, sensor data, and its will be displayed through the Web Map Application to display the data in real-time.
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