Mapping Carbon Footprint of Rush-hour Traffic for Supporting Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Plan within University of Phayao
Traffic Count Data, Vehicle Emission, Spatial DatabaseAbstract
The objective of this study was to generate the map of on-road carbon footprint within University of Phayao based on rush-hour traffic count data. Processing of geographic information system was used for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment. The road within study area was digitized and also separated into 5 segments relies on road intersection points. Field survey on (Friday) 25th and (Sunday) 27th February 2022 were represented as weekday and weekend traffic volume, respectively. After key-in data into Microsoft excel, fuel consumption, and GHG emission volume were sequentially calculated. Later on, the excel table data were joined into attribute table of the layer and presented as a map of carbon footprint. The result showed also that the procedure was possible and utilized as support data for GHG emission monitoring and minimizing.
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