Development of Online Internship Management Information Systems: A Case Study in School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao
Internship, Management Information System, Google Apps, University of PhayaoAbstract
The purposes of this research are 1) to develop the information system of the online internship management for School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, and 2) to apply the Google Apps for Education, an educational innovation and enhances efficiency suitable for teaching and learning management in digital age. The development tools for web application are PHP and HTML languages used to create a web application meanwhile MySQL is used to create and manage database. The evaluation result on the user’s satisfaction towards web application in3 usage aspects;1) analysis and design for web application 2) performance of the system, and 3) benefits of using, in overall, was at good level (x= 4.01 and S.D. = 0.55). The benefits of this web application are supposed to help facilitate searching and checking the status on internship more quickly and improve the performance the interesting for the internship management system. In addition, it can help search the interesting enterprises for each student to have an internship with and at the same time it can serve as a guideline for students in the following years.
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