Statistic System and Index of the Community Development Level for Benefiting the Community Development


  • Rattasak Pengchata
  • Sanchai Yeewiyom Bachelor of Science Program in Information Technology, University of Phayao
  • Supawan Panyapab Bachelor of Science Program in Information Technology, University of Phayao
  • Peerapat Mueangmo Bachelor of Science Program in Information Technology, University of Phayao


Statistical data, Indicators of community development, Data downloading support for Community Developers, 6 groups of statistical data


This research aims to create a website that can process statistical data and indicators of community development level from the Socio-Economic Database at the household level. The website focuses on solutions to problems in two parts: Part 1, data processing as statistics. and statistical processing as indicators of the level of community development; and part 2 support for downloading indicator data. For community developers to analyze in creating a plan to solve problems and develop communities in remote areas. The result of the study was a website that was able to process data into 6 groups of statistical data and can statistically process 7 indicators of community development level, consisting of 1) income indicators 2) production. Rice 3) Water for consumption 4) Agricultural water 5) Liabilities 6) Congenital disease 7) Having a job (working age) and able to support file downloads. Microsoft Excel Yes, this processing system has an internal mechanism that performs 1) real-time processing.


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