Assessment of Wildfire Risk Zonation using Analytical Hierarchical Process in Phayao Province


  • Phaisarn Jeefoo Geographic Information Science, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), University of Phayao 19 Moo 2, Maeka, Muang, Phayao 56000 – Thailand
  • Nudchanart Sangnoppakun Geographic Information Science, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000
  • Renuka Thongouam Geographic Information Science, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000


Wildfire, Geographic Information System, Analytical Hierarchical Process, Phayao province


The northern region has more forest fires than every region. The average forest fire rate is about 1,167 times per year. Phayao has a hot climate. This makes the forest conditions drought and easy to cause wildfires. February to April, in particular, are the months most vulnerable to forest fires. The main objectives of this research study were to assess the areas prone to forest fires in Phayao Province. The methodology used an expert interview form to give weight scores for 8 relevant factors, namely land use, forest type, distance from transportation routes. Distance from the waterway distance from village location distance from agricultural land, slope and elevation and analyzed with an analytical hierarchical process model. The risk levels are divided into 4 levels, which are high, medium, low and not at risk of forest fires. The study found that 4,553.11 or 71.87% of the area at moderate forest fire risk, 939.64 or 14.83% of the low-level forest fire risk area. High-level forest fires amounted to 796.25, representing 12.57%, and the area not prone to forest fires was 46.21, representing 0.73%. The district with the highest forest fire risk was Phu Kam Yao, followed by Chiang Muan. Therefore, relevant agencies or disaster prevention and mitigation officials can use the results of the study as a guideline for future forest fires.


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